Monday, March 29, 2010

Birthday card

This month I had the pleasure of creating a birthday card for my dear Mother Tanya. Who is working as a missionary in Mozambique. My Grandma Donna had looked everywhere for just the right card, but after all her searching still couldn't find one. She shared with me her frustration and how she wanted it to be special and meaningful, above all she really wished she could have a card that said what was in her heart. So I told...her well then get busy, write out what you want the card to say and I’ll make one for you. She was delighted and we chatted several times on the phone to get the verse to sound just how she wanted it to sound. And...I had just the right paper! Knowing my Mother would love it and it would remind her of her grandmother Ella. BasicGrey Nook and Pantry was just the right thing! I was sure Grandma would love it too! She did and I know my dear Mother will too!!! A bit of the verse went like this…Always and Forever more be faithful dear sweet daughter, and NEVER give up! “and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” Galatians 6:9 Grandma signed it "Love and Prayers from your "Ever-loving" Mother I am sure it will bring tears to her sweet daughters eyes!