Friday, January 21, 2011


Lately I have been SiMpLiFyInG our home, trying to get more organized and get rid of things we don’t need. It’s harder than it seems! I have this little fluffy primitive heart hanging by my kitchen sink to remind me - S I M P L I F Y - and with that comes living simply and within our means. I have only been getting what we need, instead of anything and everything else. Thanks to my best friend Kelsey! She has inspired me to simplify!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Carrie, I am so HaPpY for you ♥ you must be exhausted with all the cleaning and organizing you have been doing. I am glad that you have been inspired and I hope most of all that you are being BlEsSeD by all the SiMpLiFyInG... As soon as these cursed chicken pox are over it would be fun to chat over a cup of hot chocolate ♥ I just LOVE the fluffy Prim Heart ♥
    ♥ Kelsey
